Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Crazy Girl Brain!

I met a great guy last week. We went out for sushi and talked for hours, I wasn’t sure he was into me but he was!!

So Sunday we went to brunch and then made out at the car. MADE OUT!! Can you believe that? I haven’t even made out with my own husband the way he and I made out! It was so nice such a nice feeling to have someone want to touch me, think I was gorgeous, funny, sexy, the whole package.

Because my plans for Sunday night fell through and the hubby had plans to attend a class I asked him if it was okay if I saw new guy for a movie that night. He said fine. So NG and I went to the movies, dinner and then made out again at the car. I was so turned on it and felt my basket being filled with things that I was missing in my relationship with the hubby that it was hard to leave.  But I did leave.

We have a date this Saturday and I know it will be wonderful. We’ve talked a lot about what and where we see things going. So I asked him today if he was busy tomorrow after work and he is, so I than suggested tonight and he already had plans also. So CRAZY GIRL BRAIN is freaking out.

I know we aren’t exclusive and we aren’t even in a relationship yet, but CGB is freaking out thinking all the worst things of course. She’s wondering if he’s really into her? Is he seeing someone else? Is he thinking she’s too needy? Is he trying to end things already? OHHH CGB stop!! All it is is that he’s busy.

So Crazy Girl Brain go away and take your insecurities with you.