can one be excited and happy about two relationships in their life while
feeling so sad about another one changing? It’s so confusing.
been blessed to enter into a new relationship with an incredibly sexy (to me)
man. Someone who makes me feel sexy, wanted and protected. Poppa and him have met
and they seem to have hit off. Things are in a good place with Poppa,
communication, support and love all around.
why am I so sad? Why do I feel so unfulfilled, so lost?
let puppy out of consideration this weekend. It was one of the most painful
things I have done. I’ve let subs go in the past but puppy she was different.
She had become a part of my heart, my family, and my life. I didn’t realize how
much she had filled in my life and saying I’m struggling with the change is an
understatement. I know it was for the
best and we are working on trying to rekindle the friendship without the D/s.
But it’s hard. It’s hard to feel like you failed someone, like you failed
yourself, that you weren’t up for the challenge. It’s hard to admit that it
didn’t work, that you had to walk away. All normal feelings when any relationship
ends, but some how a D/s dynamic/relationship ending seems to be more