Friday, May 11, 2012

I got a new job!!!

Yep, me! I got a new job. I actually thought I would stay at my current job a lot longer but I see the writing on the wall and after a SECOND hour cut in four years, I thought it was time to start looking. It was perfect timing, I sent my resume in for a construction company here in the east county, (which is funny because I thought for a moment it might be for my company) and how they called about two weeks ago for an interview. It went amazingly well and I got called in for a second interview this week, with the entire office and that went well. I pretty much thought I had it in the bag and was expecting a call the next day. But no call, I was starting to doubt myself and resigned that I would move on bigger and better. The next morning the phone rang and I was offered the job, AWESOME growth potential, five bucks more and hour, full time, benefits, and not having to stress about things anymore. Its a bittersweet accomplishment, excited for the new adventure, yet very sad to be leaving my current position and the family I have come to love and respect over the past four years. I'm looking at the positive and not going to let myself get to sad about it all. My last day is actually on my birthday, it will be a great day. 

I ran/walked 2 miles in 29.20 minutes in the Mission Thin Possible's first challenge this past Monday. It was an amazing evening, and lots and lots of fun. I can't wait to see how my time changes in 11 weeks when we do it again. 

Tonight I am venturing out to try speed dating. I'm extremely nervous as it feels like going out on ten first dates all on the same night. Well to be truthful isn't that what it is? you think can I really be myself in a few mins? Can you be rejected by ten men in one night and not have your ego affected? Alas I'm doing it for fun and if I can't have fun what's the point in living? 

Life is good, even better now with a new job, working on a new body, and working on the soul...its a good place. Just be honest and positive and things will fall into place.

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