Sunday, May 6, 2012

War stories of first dates

So last night I went on a first date with a guy I had met on line about a month ago. For the last month he'd been trying to get me to come over to his house to "hang out" to which I kept turning him down. I told him to ask me out. Well he told me that it would have to wait till after the 1st when he got paid. So I said okay, it gave us time to talk and get to know each other.

The 1st came and we decided to go out on Cinco de mayo. I asked what he wanted to do and he suggested a movie, I suggested a Mexican dinner because well it was Cinco de mayo and you can't talk in a movie. So we decided to do of course dinner and a movie. Great, what movie? The Avengers, okay. I text him a few days before telling him that its playing at the local drive in and that it would be cheaper and fun. No he wants to see it in 3D IMAX. Okay Men and their IMAX, no worries.

First flag or I should have listened to the flag. The night before we go out he texts me saying do I mind if we just go to dinner, that he's a little short on funds. I said why don't I do this, I'll buy the movie tickets since I know you really want to see the movie, and dinner was my idea. He said no you don't have to, I said my treat. so I buy the tickets. damn $35!!! for two movie tickets but okay, he's paying for dinner. 

Day of the date. I drive over to his place, and he comes out. I ask him if he knows where we are going, he says no. So we go into his place as he gets the address, then we go back out. Wait where's your car, oh I thought you were driving, uhhh no remember we talked about you would drive since I was coming over here. He said oh yeah okay. Now don't think badly of me but I was expecting some really nice car, since this is the reason why he is always BROKE he says. He pulls out in this beat up old corolla that he keeps in the garage, but okay we're off. 

We get to the restaurant, we park, and we walk in. Well I should say he walks in front of me, doesn't open the door, and when the hostess goes to seat us, walks in front of me, sits down first etc. Now yes I know don't be so picky but it is the little things about dating that really touch me. So we're at dinner and they bring two different things of salsa and chips. Without even asking me he says well we can do without the green salsa since I don't like it. I was like uhh but I do. The waiter comes to take out order and just as I was about to tell him what I wanted, Date says yeah I'll have the..... am I wrong but isn't it proper etiquette to let the woman order first? It was little things like that of just manners. Then the check comes the waiter looks and me and says who gets the check tonight, making it a little awkward, but I point to the date. When the waiter leaves, I said well that was strange, date said well I thought we were splitting it. I was like huh? Then said well I guess we can okay. I put my card down and the waiter came to take it, but I stopped him and said can you put half and half on the cards. Date takes his card out, UHH WTHECK you want me to pay for this date or what? Checks come back and before I'm even done signing or figuring out the tip. I was like woooooo nelly. 

Back in the car, have to get to theater. Get to theater parking, park other side of mall. Walk to theater, oh wait walk behind him. Get to theater pick up tickets, Find seats right in front, cause theater is packed! Movie ends, use restroom, walk to car, drive home, I decided I was gonna go home instead of stay, tell him in house, date actually attempts to kiss me. I start to leave, date doesn't even walk me to my car, or wait till I am at my car before closing and locking door behind me. 

Now am I wrong or shouldn't a guy who was hoping to get into your panties be a little bit I don't know more outgoing. What is wrong with men these days and making sure the woman they are on a date with is safe. I don't get it really? 

Maybe I really am old fashioned, maybe I am expecting to much I don't know. What I do know is that it for some reason I am always surprised at men when on a date, sometimes good, most of the time bad. Awww the war wounds of dating.

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