Monday, August 26, 2013

Chivalry- What's your take?

CMS asked me today in an email discussion If I thought that chivalry was a dead art form, chauvinistic, or something welcomed.

I responded back with stating that it was a dead art form, so is courting a woman. I think that so many men and women for that matter in this day in age of easily accessible sex (VIA the internet) have really given up on dating. I wonder myself a lot of times when did asking a woman on a date turn into hey let's hang out. When did holding the door for a woman, having her walk on the inside of the sidewalk, holding out her chair, car door, etc. become something you only do for your mum? When did courting a woman with flowers, dinner, movies, etc. become a thing of the 50's? 

 Have we as a society of independent women raised our sons to not respect women that we date? Have we raised our sons to not understand that women are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. (okay we are supposed to be) Have we as women taken on the feminism stance so far that we ourselves have forgotten that men are protectors, our saviors, our Hero's, and as such we need to allow them to do what they need to do to enable that we are taken care, instead of chastising them for it. 

I got me thinking what other people thought so I posted on CL and asked Mistress S her opinion. This is what I got back.
Mistress S felt  "I think it's a sign of basic respect, and should be treated as such, to the extent that it's not interfering with my ability to be a self-directed individual. Opening doors for me, walking on the outside toward traffic, etc is just "good manners" in a man from my perspective. "Saving" me when I could save myself is just irritating (and it's not very emotionally healthy either). But I will happily let a man step in and beat someone's ass for seriously disrespecting me, as long as he checks in with me to make sure it's not a battle I want to fight on my own."

My FB friends felt the following. 
Welcome but hard to find for sure- Married Woman 1 
I agree. It is welcome most of the time but guys are often hesitant to display it openly if they have ever caught the backlash from a woman who is was offended by it.- Single Man 1
I understand that, but should a man just stop doing it because one, two or even three rude women didn't accept it? Its like sex the same thing doesn't turn everyone on in bed. Can't the same be said in dating?- Me to Single Man 1
Very welcome! I consider myself so blessed that Andrew opens my door, pulls out my seat, never allows me to carry heavy packages & always goes that extra mile. I'm well aware that I have a diamond & not all ladies are so blessed. That makes me sad -Married Woman 2
No a man shouldn't stop doing it after one or two bad experiences. Your sex analogy is on point S. The same can and should be said about dating. It takes time to figure out what works and what doesn't both in bed and when dating.- Single Man 1 to me
I appreciate some, like holding a door, but don't like it when it inconveniences me like I have to sit in a car and wait for him to come open my door. It definitely depends for me. - Single Woman 1
love it when a guy opens a door for me!- Single woman 2

What I came to realize is that everyone has their own view of chivalry, what is acceptable and what's not to them. As I said its much like sex each partner likes things just a little different and if you treat each person, lover, friend or date the same you'll be true to yourself. So be YOU! and hope that whomever your with is accepting of you, for if they aren't, they aren't the right one for you. 

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