Friday, August 15, 2014

Self Talk and Confidence starts with You!

You know that something is trying to tell you something when not only does the CD in your car start talking about Self talk, but also the workshop presenter that evening also talks about self talk. So I got the message LOUD and CLEAR this evening Universe! I understand I need to readjust my self talk, I need to remind myself of how AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL and INTELLIGENT I am. I need to wake up with a smile, peace and positiveness each morning. So yes universe I get it. 

You're probably scratching your head going what is she talking about? Well let me tell you. We all have those voices in our heads that tell use we're too old, too fat, can't do something and a lot of times, (NO, most of the time) we listen to it. Well let me tell you this CONFIDENCE comes with HABIT!! 

Years ago after my divorce I remember my mum telling me "S you choose how your days goes by how you wake up. When your feet hit the ground you can choose to make the day AWESOME or you can choose to let it be crappy. The choice is yours" I sorta laughed her off at the time, but I've thought about it many times over the years and remind myself in the morning that its my choice how the day will go. 

Positive Self Talk doesn't come easy, I know it doesn't. It takes time, it takes dedication and it takes the desire to make it a habit. After all whatever you're currently an expert at you were once a beginner at. To change your self talk has to start somewhere! 

Are you going to be single the rest of your life? At a job you hate? Constantly wanting to lose weight? Those are all negative thoughts. Think positive. You're life is beautiful and preparing itself for your partner. Your job is not your life, smile and find the things you like about it and concentrate on that. Love your curves! 

Start RIGHT NOW!!! What are two things that you are constantly thinking negative about yourself and find a mantra that you will start to say to yourself each day through out the day. Add another one in a week, and so on. You'll start to see the changes in your relationships with friends, family, co-workers, and best of all YOURSELF!! 

For in order to display CONFIDENCE you have to start with yourself!!! In order to be open for love, you have to first love yourself. In order to believe and accomplish your dreams you have to build the dynasty and to do that you need action. Action build Confidence, which builds YOU!!! 

Start today! For tomorrow will be the one step closer to your new habit. Thank you Universe for the forehead slap of a reminder. 

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