Saturday, August 9, 2014

Life after a job

Monday I was let go from my job and H after 2 years of stress, emotional abuse, and just an unhealthy place to work I'm finally FREE of that place! 

I'm about to start a legal battle and have filed unemployment and sitting patiently waiting to see the out come of that. So why is it that there is a bit of anxiety with peacefulness over me? Peaceful in that I am away from there and know that I am doing the right thing legally. But anxiety over where is rent going to come in a few days?  

I know that my Higher Power has ALWAYS taken care of me and that I have always been okay and I know I will be this time also...its just crazy that I'm unemployed at 41! 

So my life after H right now is trying to stay motivated, cleaning, cooking, looking for a job and just focusing on staying positive. What does life after a job look like? 

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