Monday, January 30, 2012

OSCAR MOVIES!!! And Movies 7,8,9 down!

I have a goal to see all nine of the nominated movies for Best Picture. So I’ve scheduled them on GP, and have so far seen four of the nine. This past Thursday my GF E and I saw War Horse and The Artist. I enjoyed both of them but I think I enjoyed The Artist better.

War Horse was a sweet movie, story of this horse that is passed from person to person through out its life ending up back with it owner from childhood. It was an amazing story of the war between Germany and the UK. The power of love, dedication and respect between people and animals, it was also very harsh to watch as many horses in the movie died or were mistreated, story wise. It was a heartbreaking movie especially if you have a love of animals like I do.

The Artist is a silent movie, about silent movies, so be forewarned that it is totally silent. I thought it was fun, it was a long movie but it was a fun movie. It made you think about the way movies were back in the day. It was a light hearted movie about silent movies coming into talking movies. I can understand why it got nominated, truly a different type of movie that audiences are use to.

Sunday morning E and I hooked back up to see The Descendants. I must say so far this is my FAVORITE of the movies. It is the story of a family going through life and learning things about their loved mother, who is on her death bed due to a boating accident. It’s funny, heartwarming, touching and I must admit I had a few tears down my cheeks a few times. The beauty of Hawaii and the history/struggle of the family over all were great added bonuses to the story. I defiantly liked the movie and it touched me to my core. Reminding me that life is so short you never know when something might happen to you to take your life away.

So 4 down and six more to go. I’ll be seeing Extremely Close Incredibly Close tomorrow evening, then down to Hugo and the last few are on DVD. Only 41 more movies for the challenge!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I suppose its better then being stood up.

Its funny I have like three other blog topics I want to write about and none of them are calling to me right now. Nope right now I'm sad, disappointed and doing everything in my power to not reach for something bad to eat.

I was suppose to have a date tonight. He seemed really interested in me, but 15 mins. before we were suppose to meet at a local Italian restaurant I get a text from him saying he isn't gonna be able to make it that he got called back into work. No sure why I'm sad about it, I told myself not to have any expectations on this date to just go and have fun. I guess its just first dates the unknown the unexpected that what could happen the nervous butterflies, that mixed with I think I look pretty damn cute tonight. *shrugs* oh well! If its meant to be it will be.

I guess I should be happy that he at least texted and called to try and explain, instead of just standing me up. One day my mate will come along, and who knows what the future holds with Saltnpepper, tonight just wasn't the night for us to meet.

UPDATE!!! So saltnpeppa called and told me that he lives in Washington State, that he's in the military and here for a few weeks. So of course anything long term would not be possible. So now what do I do? I have no idea!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Movie 6- One Day!..and other stuff!

Now I need to premises that I read this book in my book club in 2010, and I enjoyed the book, but many of the girlies in my group didn’t. So I was semi excited about the movie. Here’s the thing if you haven’t read the book, the movie is very hit and miss, you don’t understand the idea behind it and really there is no back story of course I say that about every movie made from a book, you don’t get the real dirtiness of the story in a movie. But it was a movie nevertheless. I’m going to see two of the Oscar nominated best picture movies tonight, War Horse and The Artist.

In different news, my diet/exercising is going so so. I think I am going to join Crunch gym, I’m not sure still sorta partial to 24 hour and 24 has a lot more hours and classes. But I like that AV goes to Crunch and I see myself working out more with her than anyone. So we will see, we’re going to do the 6am class tomorrow. (I’ll let you know how that goes) I realized last night that I really have to kick it up, that is it’s important enough I’ll do it and losing weight looking hot by next December is important to me. I have to hang that damn seat belt up as a reminder!!

Let’s see what else. M and I emailed a little bit the other day. It was nice to hear from him but was a reminder to not contact ex’s this year. I just smile to myself how silly I was to believe him back in November when he said he was making changes this year for himself and to allow someone into his life. I sillily assumed it would be me, but again watch actions of someone and you’ll know the truth. Actions speak louder than words. It’s a shame really, but if it’s IMPORTANT enough for them they’ll make the time. Just like I have to make the time to work out!! Funny how its all full circle. *smiles*

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Unanswered Prayers

My GF Jess recently told me that she’s been listening to Garth Brooks “unanswered prayers” a lot lately and relates to it because of her ex that she broke up with a few months ago after an on and off for 8 years. It’s hard for any length of time of a break up but 8 years seems like forever. Two months later she is still missing him and at times wants to contact her, I try to help her stay strong and remind her that she will always miss him, but that 4 years from now it should be easier (they say ½ the time you were together it takes to heal).

But it got me thinking and I listened to the song again. I remember the feeling when The Past and I broke up that life would NEVER move on, that I would always be in pain. I remember praying to my HP to just have The Past come back to me, to realize that he loved me. I remember getting mad at my HP for not answering my prayers.

Fast forward almost 4 years later and I realized that if my HP had answered those prayers I wouldn’t have grown spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically. I would never have created GP, or met all the amazing women in the group. I would never have understood the power or dynamics in my family, and would have lived me life with a man who didn’t love me the way that I deserve to be loved.

Am I ungrateful for the time I had with The Past? No, because I needed that time to understand my life today. Would I ask to not have gone through the pain I did during the break up? Ask me that 4 years ago and I would have HOLLERD YES!!! But today no I’m grateful for the pain, the healing, the understanding, acceptance of the truth.

I still miss the friend I had in The Past at times, but I know that my HP has a higher plan for me and a partner that is truly everything he is suppose to be for me, just as I am everything I am suppose to be for him.

Thank heavens for unanswered prayers!

Book #1, and Movies, 2,3,4 & 5!!!

The 50/50 challenge is not as easy as one would thing. Alas this past weekend I knocked three more movies out and then last night enjoyed a 4th. That’s 5 movies down only 45, and 49 books. roh roh!!!

Let’s start with the book. This month’s book discussions for my woman’s group is “The 19th wife” let me just say AMAZING!! Although a fictional historical book it truly was informative and enjoyable. I kept turning the pages wanting to know more and more about the Mormon/Later Day Saints/First beliefs. Learning about how their faith started, how people followed and what life was like back in the 1800’s was a real page turner. I’m now stuck on wanting to learn more and more about Bringham Young and his 19th wife Elizabeth Webb. At 28 she wed Bringham who was 65, I can’t even imagine, but it was interesting the dynamics of the book. I can’t wait to discuss is with the girls and see their impressions, I can see it will be a heated discussion.

I’m still struggling through Shantrum so hopefully that will be my next book down. *cross your fingers*

49 more books!!

Movies are always easier, you can enjoy them with others, have it on in the background while doing just about anything around the house, or on a rainy weekend. This was what I did this past weekend, while enjoying some much needed kiddie time with my god daughter and best girl friend.

We started the morning with Mr. Poppers Penguins. What a wonderfully warm and fun movie. I think penguins maybe my new favorite animal, right after hippos, although Jess might have something else to say about that. So Mr. P’s Penguins consisted of a divorced father whose children blame him for the divorce and really don’t want to spend the weekends with him. Until his deceased father wills him penguins. (Of course wouldn’t you want to hang with penguins? I WOULD) various cute antics occur from the penguins and trying to keep the penguins away from the zoo’s catcher who wants to separate them and pawn them out. In the end all is good, and they lived happily ever after.

While the little one napped we watched Abduction with Taylor Launter. It was a suspenseful movie, enjoyable a bit predictable but over a good movie. I thought a few parts of the movie made you want to say “REALLY?” like beating the crap out of your son because he got drunk. As you watched you understood why in the end, but still REALLY? *smiles*

We then popped Glee the movie in.

My GF has never seen or gotten into Glee so it was fun to explain to her who was who. I’m definitely glad that I didn’t waste money and see it in the theater. It was a concert on film, I thought they could have done better songs and the concert seemed to be quite lacking to me. I did like the additional little stories on fans that added depth to the movie. Over all it was a ½ thumb up.

With the wet weather continuing into the early week, a friend and I decided to snuggle up with a movie at my house. He choose Punk Drunk Love from the unseen movies in my cabinet. Let me just say we both kept looking at each other saying what is going on? It definitely was one of those movies that at the end you say HUH? My friend laughed and said well now we know why it was in the $1 bin. I was quite saddened for an Adam Sandler movie, I suppose they can’t all be winners.

So 45 more movies!!

My goal between now and the Oscars is the watch all the Oscar nominated movies for best picture. That’s only eight as I have already seen “The Help”. So the adventure continues! I have feeling I’ll get through the movies faster than the books, regardless its been fun!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Sometimes they get it right on the nail head!

I recently read a Blog written by a guy from a website that I chatted on in the past. I found it ironic to a point as I knew the guy who wrote the Blog personally.

We had gone out a few times, talked/texted, and spilled our guts out for months, all to find out that he had led me on, lied about being married (I only JUST learned this almost a year later) and numerous other things. On top of it he is now dating/involved with the woman who has harassed, belittled and assaulted me for the past year, talk about a punch in the stomach.

Anyhow back to his Blog, although I dislike the guy with the largest rock in the world, I did find his Blog enlightening and made me smile. I thought I only more men read it and understood that this is truly what women want.

I’ve been working on understanding men the past few years, seminars, workshops, books, research, etc. That I thought shoot I’m going to share something for the men to learn about women. So enjoy.

Hello everyone,

Pull up a chair and let ole' Papa B give you everything I know about women. That's right EVERYTHING I know....all fits in this 1 little blog post. There's tons more to know about a woman, but us men will never get it, so just follow B’s 7 steps of Engagement (Yep, just made that up, go with it) and you will do ok. This mostly applies to the men, but women can learn a thing or 2 as well.

1. Communicate effectively

If you want or DON'T want something...just say it. Let the poor gal in front of you decide if she wants what you want. If you only tell her what you *THINK* she wants to hear....may god have mercy on your soul...because she sure won't.

2. Listen to her--actually LISTEN

I know us guys are just thinking "pussypussypussy" like that dog in the Beggin Strips commercial,. BUT! If you listen to what they say outside of the sex chat, you will get brownie points when you bring up things that you learned and you will determine if they have something you might want long term. Meaningful relationship, friends w/ benefits or just a fuck buddy. Either way, put the dick down and learn a little about the woman you are trying to stick it to.

3. Make her feel important

Yep, I know what you're's just a sex site, why bother? make her feel important, even if it's just for a date or 3 and she will work your dick like she's going for her scuba license...and isn't that what we all want? Honestly though...a woman that feels important to you will work hard for you, and on you. Enough said.

4. Have integrity...say what you mean, mean what you say.

Goes back to # 1. If you feel something, tell her and ask her to do the same. It might be as simple as "I'm horny? Are you? Yeah? Good, let's fuck." Or it might be something more meaningful that you can create a bond of friendship or more over. We all have shit going on in our lives and you would be surprised how much of our shit is similar to everyone else's if you would only take the time to tell it straight. For example, it's no big secret that I am married and going through a divorce and I told it to every woman I talked with early on in the conversation. I am sure it has lost me some opportunities, but it was out there with no surprises.

5. Be honest. Never lie--not even a white lie

You'd think this would be simple enough. Only acceptable lie is for surprise birthday parties, gifts, trips and the like. Otherwise, the truth will set you free....and a lie will get your rabbit boiled. Nothing makes a woman loose her cool quicker than when she feels betrayed and lied to, so save yourself the carnage and just don't lie.

6. Tell her she's beautiful...often.

Listen, we're all beautiful in our ways. If you think she's worth enough to fuck, there must be some things about her you open your trap and let her know. None of us is perfect. Us guys might not be in great shape, might have a bald spot, our dicks aren't 12 inches long or whatever. If this gal thinks enough of you to take YOU inside HER, that's a beautiful thing and worth your compliments.

7. Be generous with yourself, your time and showering her with gifts doesn’t hurt either

No one likes a fuck and go unless you are a hired hooker. As in #6, if she's hot enough to fuck, then don't rush it. Spend a little time making love to her mind and I swear her panties will fall off so fast and hard they will leave a crater in the floor AND the sex will be 10X better for both of you. Spend time on her and be generous. That doesn’t mean you have to buy her a Bentley, but don't be a cheapskate either. Just learn a little from #1 and #2 and go with that. Perfect example of what I mean. This past Xmas I got a beautiful lady a really nice gift...pretty big ticket item that I knew she needed. I also got her a few $5 and $10 baubles that I knew she would love based on the conversations we have had. As expected, she went gaga over the baubles and, while she loved the big gift too, it was the fact that I listened and knew what to get her on a personal "bauble" level that got my brains screwed out that night.

One last thing never let your ego get in the way of saying the two most healing words..."I’m sorry". It goes a looooooooong way fellas

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Waiting on test results is nerve wrecking!

Yesterday I went into for an outpatient surgery, they took a biopsy of a section of my right boob. Waiting on the test results is truly nerve wrecking!! They put me on some pain meds. that have made me loopy as heck, had to leave work early today as I couldn't concentrate and was tired as heck. So home I came, in the meantime I am trying to not freak out to much till the results come in.

In better news I lost another 8 lbs this week!! WHOOO HOOO!!! I finally was able to weigh myself and went down another 8 lbs. I couldn't believe it especially since I haven't really been working out like I should be. Just think what I could be doing if I brought it and I meant seriously BROUGHT it!!! I have to get to liking working out...I really do!!!

I haven't heard from M in almost a month, surprising? No not really. I knew when he said that he was going to make changes in the new year for himself and his life that it most likely wouldn't happen. His life is around his girls and there's nothing wrong with that, except that when they are gone he's going to look around and realize he's all alone and he did it to himself. But my goal of no contacting past lovers this year prevents be from contacting him, so there ya go. *smiles*

Had dinner with mum and dad tonight. It was nice, hung out with mum for about 3 hours just us two hanging out, talking, games. It was nice, I'm glad that I have made it a priority for my life this year.

Praying that my patience will hold out for just a few more days till the tests come in.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

First movie of the challenge!

I turned on the TV tonight and found myself engrossed in it. It was TOMBSTONE with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer. I'm surprised I have never seen this movie especially I have been to Tombstone Arizona and saw the reenacted shooting at the OK Coral.

Tombstone truly is one of my favorite little towns and parts of history to visit. It was a once in a lifetime visit with my GF who lives in the area. Its a fun little town and lots of history.

Watching the movie I learned a lot more about history and all that occurred, I actually thought it all ended at the OK coral shooting, but no it went on and on for years. The movie was entertaining for a western and kept me riveted to the TV. I quite enjoyed it an look forward to the next movie for the 50/50 challenge.

Today's been a strange day. I got upset at J and told her. I thought I was upset and realized that it really is more of feeling excluded from her life lately and feeling a little bit as though she's being selfish about things. So now there is this tension between us and I'm not sure how to fix it. But I guess I'll just give her, her space and wait.

Besides that I went to the doctor today, they gave me medicine again for a new flare up. I'm concerned about the flare ups and realize I need to stop stressing about life otherwise I'll keep getting them. *sighs*

I'm seriously having unsettled feelings again about the girls who left the group and now they are in this new group and for some reason it bothers me. *frowns*

Let go and let my higher power, let God, let my angels, spirits, protectors.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

I want a soda!!

So my biggest food addiction, well probably any addiction if I have one is the addiction to soda. A good old fashioned coke a cola. Ice cold, in crushed ice, yumminess. Its my drug of choice I suppose.

So I cut ALL soda out of my life 12 days ago, not a slip, not a sip since. I know that I can't otherwise I will be right back to a 32oz in the morning and go from there. I know that in order to lose the weight that I am striving for and the goals I have set for myself I have to NOT drink soda.

Today something came over me in the fact that I wanted SODA! BADLY. I've been really good no soda in the house, no diet even nothing, but today I really really really wanted it. I posted it in the weight loss group to get support from the girls and boy did I get support!!!

So I got a sweet tea and congratulated myself that I didn't drink soda. Now if I could just focus myself and my mind into working out. Force myself to push play and work out, till I get to the point where I LOVE working out. I don't know why I am a better group exercise person than I am a video exercise person. UGH!!!

I battled the urge to fall off the wagon today...I'm sure there will be many many more of these cravings and wants but I will take them as they come one step and one set back at a time. Because I'm calling in my goals and giving it to the universe.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shhhhh I'm playing hooky!

SHHHHH I decided to take the day off, woke up this morning with a bit of a migraine, and had a BUNCH of things to do around my place before game night with the girls. But what have I done? Nothing but played on the computer. I have NO EXCUSE I should have exercised, done dishes, cleaned already...but noooooo.

Where are the cleaning gnomes when you need them?

Monday, January 9, 2012

50/50 Challenge of 2012

I'm an avid reader, movie watcher, theater participant. So when I heard about this 50/50 challenge for 2012, I thought omgoodness this is right up my alley!

The challenge is to watch 50 movies and read 50 books in 2012. Can you imagine how awesome you would feel when you finished the challenge? I already ready a ton of books so this is right up there and now I just have to come up with 50 movies I haven't seen and I'll be right on track.

What's your favorite movie? Book? Maybe I haven't read or seen it. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

For more information about the challenge go to

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm sad!

Not really sure why I'm sad, I just am. I feel the tears really close to pouring and a part of me wonders what is going on. I've had a pretty good day. Took an hour long hike with V, then went grocery shopping and took a nap. Tonight joining the girls and their guys for the comedy show. THAT MIGHT BE IT!! It might be that I'm going to be there single, and everyone else is going to be a coupled up. I feel alone a lot these days.

D had to cancel on our date last night. He said he had to work. Today though he had all sorts of issues going on. *frowns* N said he didn't feel comfortable about communicating anymore because of what pix did. So yes I feel totally LONELY and sad!

I'd just like to meet a guy that wants to hold my hand, laugh with me, thinks I'm worth not letting go. Someone who would get jealous over someone else being interested in me. I know I know manifest and give to the world and it will come. *sighs* My question these days is WHEN!

I have to cut bait with D. Move on from something I know will never be, or never was suppose to be. Delete and move on quickly from those that don't realize how amazing you are, so you can make room for those that do.

Turn that frown upside down and you'll be full of a smile.

Friday, January 6, 2012

I lost 8 lbs!!

Our first weigh in was today, and I lost 8 lbs!!! WHOO WHOOT!!! I know most of it is probably due to cutting soda out and probably water weight….but STILL its 8 LBS!!!

I’ve having a hard time with exercising, I can eat really healthy especially when I plan and stay to the plan as I have been. But exercise, UGH!!! I can’t seem to get myself to get up and push that play button on the DVD. So I asked the girls to help keep my accountable and motivated! V said she’d start texting me in the morning when she gets up to motivate me to get up and push play. I think that might help.

I feel amazing already, so much energy, now if I can just get myself into the exercise part, and my sleep schedule down it’ll be AWESOME!!

D & I had our first date last night. I received free passes to the premiere of The Devil Inside, what a terrible movie. Oh it was AWFUL! I’m a horror movie fanatic as many of you know, but this, this was TERRIBLE!!! I thought at one point I was going to barf from the motion sickness effect of the moving camera. Plus it was such a take off of other similar movies, it was really pathetic, and so not even worth the free passes.

But the time with D was wonderful. After the movie he walked me to my car and we talked for like an hour or so. Omgoodness I haven’t talked about The Past to a guy that much in a long time. It was strange and upsetting because I don’t want to talk about the past I don’t want to think about him, I’d like to move on as I have been with my life. But something about D and the situation with his current ex, brings that stuff up and to the forefront. I like him, he’s sexy, funny, Italian, seems true, and I would have loved to have kissed him, but I extended the first tree branch so from here I have to sit back and let him be the man in the situation. Let him provide the happiness. We have a second date tonight so we’ll see what happens.

I’m so in adoration with life right now, I’m so grateful to my Higher Power, Angels, Spirits and Guides that I don’t know what to do with myself!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Life Change Day one

I had the day totally planned out, since it was day one of my new life and back to work. I packed my food last night, set the alarm so I could get up in time to workout and start out on the right foot.

Alas I woke up late!! But I woke up to a text from work saying I had the day off...WHOO HOOO!!! Good thing cause I hadn't slept well the night before. So I slept in, then got up ate a balanced egg sandwich breakfast, cleaned my room, worked out and DAMN am I HUNGRY!!! It could be that I hadn't really ate much today, but still I realized I was obsessing about food. So I made up a shake and realized I needed some water. UGH!!! This life change things sorta sucks!!

I took some new photos on my walk the other day. I really do like photography, and writing. So I'm going to try and do more of that this year. I also heard someone say today that one of their goals this year is to be present in life. To put the computer, phone, texting, etc down and talk more to people in person , experience those around them. I thought that was an excellent goal. Life really is short and enjoying every moment you can with those around you will add a smile and memory to them.

So enjoy the photos, enjoy today and enjoy life!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

So its 2012, and a new year, new choices, new adventures a new path on life. This year is about me getting healthy physically and staying on the path to a balanced life.

So I've set my 12 goals, written them down, posted them here, and making myself accountable for them. They are:
  1. Stick with the 90 day Challenge ~ starts 1/2/12~ already balanced it out.
  2. Lose 80 lbs by Dec 1, 2012 ~ sticking with my workout and eating path will help here.
  3. Run the Tinkerbell ½ marathon in Jan 2013
  4. 1 5K a month.- run them by May 2012
  5. 100 a month to savings for Australia Trip.
  6. Pay off Lap Top and TV by March
  7. 2 new active assistant organizers for Girl Power ~ already have one.
  8. Try out a new church each month ~ set up on calendar for the first 6 months
  9. Volunteer @ Monarch once a month
  10. Spend one afternoon a month with Mum & Dad
  11. No contacting of past lovers
  12. No Sex till CR-5 dates- decide and let go.
Some of them will be difficult to ado when my feelings are down, or when I'm feeling lonely, but I know that If I stick to them and remember that I am a lady that is worth all that life has to offer than the right one will come along, and my life will be healthier and happier.

2012 will be awesome!!!