Sunday, March 18, 2012

I lost the fight, but won the war!!

I GOT SICK!!! Ugh being around G's little boys with their colds last weekend I came down with a really bad cold. Took me out for the past six days, I finally went to the doctor on Friday. They ran a test for strep throat, and told me that my tonsils seemed to be growing back. I was like WHAT? I had them removed 25 years ago. I thought it was the strangest thing when the doc said it but then I researched it and I guess its happened before. Who would have thounk it!

So it was St. Patty's weekend. G and I had dinner with Nutterbutter and her man. It was fun. Although the whole point was to try corned beef and cabbage, but by the time we got to the restaurant they were sold out. *waaa* It was a fun evening but with my cold and the weather it had a bit of a damper on it.

I so dislike being sick, it was even worse having a BF. You'd think it would have been better being in a relationship, but really men don't make the best care takers. G as much as I care about him and like him, he didn't really seem to take care of me as well as I would have liked or wanted. Feeling a little strange about my realtionship at the moment, not sure what I'm feeling. But it is testing my skills, patience, and tools.

So I lost the fight with this cold, but ultimately won the war, because I am getting better!!

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