Saturday, June 26, 2010

I'm peeeling!!!

As my sunburn starts to peel! I can't help but compare it to how my life is right now, as I peel back the layers in my life to figure myself out.

The initial burn to the skin, much like the initial pain of being hurt, realizing that that you need to get help.

Soothing the body with aloe, like the taking the first steps to a program, to the realization that the pain and sting of the burn can be relieved with knowledge.

The few days of moisturizing, trying to prevent the peeling. Like the opening of information, the first meeting, the first acceptance of being burnt and broken.

The peeling finally starts, you try to stop it with lotion, but in the end the peeling happens. Like opening your heart, mind and soul to accepting that you're broken and you're now peeling back the layers to get to the healthy part of yourself.

The peeling ends and a new skin (hopefully tanned) is exposed. Like a new you, healthier. A new you who has gone through the stages of re-birth.

So I'm peeling!!! And although it doesn't always look that pretty (I look like alien skin) it's necessary to what is going to be an amazing tan....and an amazing healthier ME!

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