Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sorta like laying there naked in all your flaws!

So I am on A LOT of dating sites (really who isn't these days!) anywho. I've been on this one site for gosh I think almost 8 years. I chat in its chatroom and really just enjoy the banter of the room sometimes. I don't take anything from the site seriously as well to be honest I don't think I will find what I am looking for. I actually had my profile off for a long time as I was so tired of the nonsense associated with the emails from men, and women!. I mean seriously why is it just because I have a profile on an adult dating site does it have to ONLY constitute a quick hook up? or that, that is what I am looking for.

I enjoy sex as much, if not more than the next woman (sometimes more so then men) and yes my mind can go STRAIGHT to the gutter if I allow it! But yeesh, there is so much more to me than my beewbies!

Anyhow so I turned my profile back on about 3 days ago and made an update on it. Stating something like ask me about my Blog. I'm not sure what made me do it. I suppose because I'm pretty honest and open my dear blog when talking to you and I figured if someone really wants to get to know me they can get a glimpse of me through you my dear blog. What I didn't expect is to feel naked showing all my bodies imperfections, and trust me it's not always a pretty sight!

So here I am now in a state of total dis-belief that someone actually read my blog and wants to ask me out. I feel like a silly school girl blushing and not knowing how to address the situation! Can you believe that? ME A BLUSHING SCHOOL GIRL! *giggles*

So here is the other delimina; although I am honest with you my dear blog I don'ttell you every little aspect of my life. *smiles* I mean I haven't told you recently about what's going on at work, or that mom & dad sold the house and how that is effecting me. Or that The Past is flying the new GF over to the middle east for a vacation. Or that I miss my dog a lot lately. I tell you about the exciting funny dating stories. But there is so much more about me!....like I started my own MEETUP Group....GIRL POWER! and totally excited that we are up to 25 girlies! So yeah you don't know all about me my dear blog. I guess I'm not totally naked I do have some coconuts covering parts of me. *smiles*

*sighs* so now what? Well it seems my Higher Power is watching out for me making me have some patience, as being a standard member on that site I can't return his email till I guess late tonight, patience! We all know I don't have that!

Do I accept a dinner date with this man whom from all aspects of his emails seems respectful, I have been fooled before. Do I stay patience and see how interested he really is and see what he does to convience me he's really the man he wants to be and find a way to make me say yes? Do I make the present pay for former experiences? or isntead allow the present to be exactly that a PRESENT a gift that might actually be pretty amazing!

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