You always said that we were Ride or Die’s you called me
chosen family, sisters in leather. Yet
the minute I choose a decision that I feel is best for me you walk away. You
not only walk away, you walk away from your commitments. You end our
friendship. You abandon me. Why? Because I’m not doing what you want me to do?
Because I made a decision for myself right now that is best for me? I never
asked you to support him, I never even asked you to talk to him again. I asked
for space to process and figure things out for myself. I asked you to love me
and support me.
Who knows MAYBE it is the wrong decision. But no one knows!
No one knows what the future is going to hold. I may get crushed, my heart
might break into a trillion pieces, and he may end up to be a waste of my time
and energy, but we don’t know this right now. It may also be the best decision
I ever make in my life, I may have found a love that I didn’t know existed, I
may have found a missing part, we don’t know but as my sister I would have
expected you to stand by me.
Never again, will I be dragged into or convinced that
someone has my back, like you. I thought you did. I really did, I thought that
after all these years and after being here for all these things that I showed
my love and commitment, what I didn’t know was all it would take is one
decision. I really can’t wrap my head
around any of it, I still can’t.
Ride or Die- isn’t that no matter what you stand by the
person that it’s not conditional?